
What is a headache? A headache is a pain anywhere in the head or neck. There are many causes, most of them temporary and not serious.

Headaches can be caused by all kinds of things, such as being worn out, lack of sleep, something going wrong socially, some kinds of medicines, some drugs, viral infections such as the common cold and flu, a head injury, and teeth or sinus (nose) problems.

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms that something is wrong. About half of us get at least one headache a year. Nearly a quarter of all people in the world get tension-related headaches. About one in eight of us get migraines. These headaches can be very severe, but they are usually temporary and they are not a cause for concern. Paracetamol will usually help until the condition goes away naturally.

1. Migraines include pulsing head pain, feeling of sickness, sensitivity to light and sound.
2. Tension-type headaches feel like there is pressure on both sides of the head, and you can get some relief by moving your head about.
3. Cluster headaches are often connected to one eye and may happen on and off for a while.
4. A shooting face pain is called neuralgia
5. Exercise or heavy work headaches are a throbbing pain which starts during or after exercising.

At the moment, no-one knows why any of these kinds of headaches happen. In general, they are best not worried about.

The other head pains are usually connected to an infection, and are part of an overall feeling of not being well. Whatever you are taking for the infection will usually ease the headache as well.

The brain itself cannot feel pain. The pain is actually in areas around the brain, including the neck. Many headaches are the result of something happening to the blood vessels, such as being hit, to being inflamed by an infection or muscle tension. muscular tension can also cause pain. Once any of these areas is affected a message goes up the nerve fibre to the nerve cells in the brain, saying that a part of the body hurts. Migraines are possibly due to nerves in the brain sending the signals for a while. Many people get migraines if they are allergic to foods such as dairy.

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