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This academy course about mountains consists of 8 lessons. Each one will take about 2 hours.

Teachers/parents: Our courses are all based on books. Why? We believe that online screens and videos are NOT sufficient to allow you to get a rounded view of each course. The only medium that can do that is a book. The book has all of the information you need on double-page spreads, so you can see everything at a glance – text and pictures. The online versions of our books also have many videos embedded in them at the appropriate places, so they are books packed with even more content. At any time you can flick through the book and see how what you are doing fits into the whole course.

Students: Every lesson unit has a worksheet for you to download and either print or fill in online. Do that before you start the work. That worksheet is connected to pages in the book.

Just follow the instructions and do each part in turn. The you will have compleed the unit.

• Introduction to the lesson

Lesson unit 1:

• Mountain: Pages 10-13 Volcanoes and volcanic disasters

Download transcript with answer spaces for students to fill in and return for assessment

• Mountain: Pages 14-19 Glaciers in the mountains

Download transcript with answer spaces for students to fill in and return for assessment