
What is wildlife? Wildlife is animals (and also plants to some people) that are not domesticated.

A bald eagle.

Wildlife means the animals, plants and other living things which grow or live in an area without being domesticated by humans. Domesticating wild plant and animal species is farming.

In areas like wildernesses where people have almost no effect, plants, animals and other life develop a balance between one another which is affected by the climate, rocks and soils. This balanced system is called an ecosystem, and it is made up of plants and animals that eat one another in what scientists call 'food chains'. These natural environments (ecosystems) have many common names, such as tropical rainforest, coral reef, desert, prairie, savanna, taiga (coniferous forest) and woodland (deciduous forests).

There is a conflict of interest between humans and the creatures of the wild. Humans need land to farm for an ever-growing population. The animals at the top of the food chain are things like bears and big cats. They can be seen by people as a threat. Plant-eating animals can be seen as a threat to crops in fields.

The world's wildlife population is under tremendous threat. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that it halved between1970 and 2014. One of our priorities in this world should be to reduce or stop this decrease, as we are stewards of this world, and should not simply be selfish consumers. Other living things have just as much right as humans to live on Earth, although many people have not woken up to this truth yet, even though it is enshrined in most religions.

Check out wildlife by name, such as lion, elephant etc.

Video: Elk in Yellowstone National Park.
Video: Bison in Wyoming and South Dakota.

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