
What is the Universe? The Universe is everything that we know about, including the Solar System, all the stars and galaxies. It may have formed as we know it now about 14 billion years ago in a big explosion called the Big Bang.

Galaxies are the largest visible things in the Universe (Source: Hubble Telescope).

The Universe includes the Sun and the rest of the Solar System, the Milky Way, other stars and galaxies and the space between them.

The Universe is believed to have formed about thirteen billion years ago when a huge explosion called the Big Bang occurred. Shortly after that explosion two gases called hydrogen and helium formed. The gases produced vast clouds which later compacted and turned into stars. Over time these stars made other materials, such as metals. They then released them into space as dust. In time, the dust joined with more gas clouds, and eventually more stars and planets were formed. That process is still going on today.

No one is sure how the Universe will end. Some scientists believe that it will keep getting larger and last for ever. Other scientists believe it may start to get smaller and squeeze itself together in a Big Crunch. But even if that happened, it would be billions of years from now.

Video: galaxies.

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