
What was Tyrannosaurus? Tyrannosaurus was the most famous of the hunting dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus rex.

Tyrannosaurus rex (rex means 'king', tyranno means 'tyrant' or 'fearsome', and saurus means 'lizard') is the most famous dinosaur. It was a hunting dinosaur and so was part of a group called theropods.

Tyrannosaurus lived throughout what is now western North America, although it had close relatives (Tarbosaurus bataar) in Europe and Asia. It was one of the last dinosaurs, living from about 67 million years ago until 65 million years ago.

Tyrannosaurus was a hunter that moved on two legs, each leg ending in a three-toed foot. It was distinctive for its unusually large head. This was so heavy it had to be balanced by a very thick, and heavy, tail.

It was one of the largest dinosaur hunters ever to have lived, being over 12m long and 4m tall at the hips, and weighing about 7 tonnes. It was probably both a hunter (often waiting in ambush for its prey) and also a scavenger of dead animals.

There is some speculation that it may have been covered with a fine coat of feathers.

Video: a video of tarbosaurus.

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