Teddy Boys

What were Teddy Boys? Teddy Boys were young men of the 1950s who had brushed-back hair, sideburns, velvet-collared jackets, tight trousers and crepe shoes.

Teddy boys.

Teddy Boys were young men wearing clothes such as drape jackets with a velvet trim collar and pocket flaps, and narrow-legged "drainpipe" trousers that finished so far up the leg that the socks could be seen. High-necked loose-collared white shirt, a narrow tie or western tie, and a brocade waistcoat were worn to complete the outfit. It was all very expensive and hand made.

Crepe-soled shoes with suede tops were common. Hairstyles were long greased-up hair with a quiff at the front and the sides combed back.

Teddy Boys were the first young people in Britain not to dress like their parents. In this way they began the youth fashion market that we all know today.

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