
What is a synagogue? A synagogue is the main building for worship for people of the Jewish faith.

A synagogue.

Judaism began thousands of years ago in West Asia, near the modern country of Israel. Israel is very special to Jewish people. Although Jews live all over the world, it is the land many Jews believe God promised to their ancestors. It is sometimes called “the promised land”.

The ancient Jews spoke a language called Hebrew, and so many important words, prayers and holy books in Judaism are written in Hebrew. For example, the synagogue actually has three names in Hebrew. Each name stands for one of the three ways that the synagogue is used.

House of gathering
Beit HaKnesset is the Hebrew word for house of gathering (the word synagogue is actually the Greek translation of Beit HaKnesset). The synagogue is called a house of gathering because it is a place for the Jewish community to come together for all types of meetings, celebrations and other community activities.

House of prayer
Beit HaTefillah is the Hebrew word for house of prayer. The synagogue is called a house of prayer because it is where Jews come to worship God. Jews also worship at home and by themselves, but worshipping with others is an important part of Judaism.

House of learning
Beit HaMidrash is the Hebrew word for house of learning. The synagogue is a house of learning because it is where Jews come to learn the Hebrew language and to learn about Judaism. In most synagogues, children and adults can take classes in Hebrew, study important Jewish religious books and learn all about Judaism.

This video introduces synagogues as part of Jewish faith.

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