
What is a squirrel? A squirrel is a small rodent with a curled bushy tail.

A grey squirrel.

A squirrel is a lively mammal that can be seen hopping along the ground but the moment it detects humans or a predator it bounds to a tree and scampers up the trunk. It has sharp claws which help it dig into the bark as it climbs. The claws prevent it from slipping. A squirrel can travel from one tree to another by climbing out to the edge of a branch then making a leap. When it does this you may hear or even see it crashing onto the branches of a tree as it makes an untidy landing. Its long tail helps it to keep its balance.

Squirrels eat fruits and nuts such as acorns but may also strip bark off a branch for a meal.

Video: a video of a ground squirrel.

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