Rock and Roll

What is rock and roll? Rock and roll is a type of music and dancing that was popular in the 1950s.

Rock and roll band Bill Haley & His Comets.

Rock and roll was popular music that began in the United States after World War 2 and continued through the 1950s. It was based on African-American musical styles such as blues, jazz, and gospel music, mixed in with effects from country music.

Young people after the war were looking for something to make their lives feel brighter and more hopeful. At that time there were no young musicians , and people like Elvis Presley were still unknown. So those who started a new, more lively style - rock and roll - tended to be middle aged groups who had learned their music before the war. Bill Haley and the Comets were one of the first, and certainly best known of these. Notice their use of guitar, but also of saxophone which related back to blues music. The first groups used a piano, but this was quickly replaced by the guitar leading the music. As the style developed, it was common to have two guitars, one leading, the other providing the rhythm, coupled with a set of drums.

The music also affected fashion. Bill Haley was still using a version of a dinner jacket (tuxedo), and suits were common in all of the early Rock and Roll bands.

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