
Who were the Plantagenets? The Plantagenets were the kings that followed the Normans and who lasted until the time of the Tudors.

The Plantagenets take over.

Norman times ended (although most ordinary people never noticed) when a family from the former French province of Anjou took over the throne with Henry II in 1154. So although most people talk of 'Normans' as though that word is the same as 'Medieval' or 'Middle Ages', the real Normans lasted under a century in controlling England.

The change happened because the counts of Anjou in France won Normandy, making the count of Anjou the Duke of Normandy. The first of these was Geoffrey, who became Duke of Normandy in 1144. It was his heir, Henry I who was actually the first one of the Anjous to be king of England. He claimed he was descended from William I (remembering that most royal families were married to one another and so everyone had some relation to all crowns).

List of Plantagenet kings:
Henry II
Richard I (lionheart)
John I
Henry III
Edward I (longshanks)
Edward II
Edward III
Richard II
Henry IV
Henry V
Henry VI
Edward IV
Edward V
Richard III (killed at Bosworth, last of the plantagenets)

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