New Testament

What is the New Testament? The New Testament is the story of the life of Jesus and after as told in the second part of the Bible.

The New Testament.

The New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible, the first part being the Old Testament.

The New Testament refers to the time approaching the birth of Jesus, the time that Jesus was on Earth, and some of the events that followed and that resulted in the formation of the Christian church.

The New Testament is the main source of information for Christians.

The New Testament is a collection of Christian works. It was written by a number of people over the first and second centuries. It was written in Greek, as this was the common language of the time.

The New Testament is made of of 27 books.

The major books are the Gospels (good news stories) of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Collections of related texts such as letters of the Apostle Paul were later joined to this core scripture.

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