
What is an evacuation? An evacuation is when people leave an area in fear of their lives.

Evacuation signs in a town.

Evacuations are very rapid movements of people from a place which may threaten their lives or way of life.

There are many reasons for evacuation. Many of them are due to natural disasters, such as floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and the like.

There are also evacuations due to war. The video talks about the evacuation of children at the start of the Second World War in Britain. They were taken from city centres in places likely to be bombed, to the safety of places in the countryside.

There are many places of war about today, and, for example, there are tens of millions of evacuees in the Middle East, where fighting has been going on for decades.

The problem for evacuees is where to go, and for the people who receive them, how to cope with extra needs for homes, food and jobs. Many in the Middle East begin in refugee camps. Some remain there.

Video: Evacuation during WW2.

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