Country park

What is a country park? A country park is an area outside a city which consists of trees and grassland and often ponds and lakes and is designed for people to enjoy themselves in a countryside area.

Diagram of a typical country park.

A Country Park is an area set aside for wildlife and public enjoyment. Another word might be State Park in the U.S. The idea behind these parks (and what separates them from National Parks and Wilderness areas) is that they are designed to be used by people for all kinds of recreation, such as fish, sailing, boating as well as walking and picnicking.

Many of them are quite close to cities, allowing people to enjoy a stretch of public countryside close to home. Nevertheless, they are often zoned so that different people can enjoy them in different ways, as well as giving the opportunity for wildlife to thrive. Areas closest to car parks are used for sports, while areas farthest away are used more for wildlife, hiking and conservation. That is what is shown in the diagram above.

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