Conservation (energy)

What is conservation? Conservation is trying to make the best of useful energy, such as not allowing heat to escape from homes.

A thermal imaging device showing energy given off by the house, blue being cold, yellow/white being very hot.

Energy conservation is all about energy efficiency. It is different from global warming and other things, although conserving energy may result in other benefits.

Conserving energy helps to reduce the amount of money homes have to pay for their energy, and also, in many cases, the amount that one country has to buy from another.

Conserving energy is most effective when heat is not allowed to escape from homes, or when people use something which uses less energy to do the same job, such as using LED bulbs instead of filament bulbs.

In countries which are cold in winter, the most effective way of conserving energy is to insulate the loft, because warm air rises and ceilings inside rooms are much less insulated than walls.

Video: Conserving energy.

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