
What is clay? Clay is a natural material made of very tiny crystals. Clay crystals are formed when some rocks rot in the ground.

Bricks being made from sun-dried clay. The clay was dug from the pit on the left. These kind of bricks are called adobe. Most bricks go through a further stage of heating to make them stronger.

Adobe is mud brick, so it is not useful in parts of the world where it rains a lot.

However, it can be made more useful by thatching over the roofs, so that the mud never gets wet.

The difference between adobe and brick is that adobe is sun-dried, whereas a brick is kiln fired at a very high temperature. When this happens, the clay changes and will not soften again if the brick gets wet.

Clay is the material we use to make china and pottery. The video shows how this is done.

Video: Clay is used to make ceramics.
Video: Clay is used to make Adobe buildings at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico.

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