Cave painting

What are cave paintings? Paintings made on the walls of caves during Stone Age times.

What cave painting might have been like in Stone Age times.

Cave paintings, and all other kinds of wall art, are known as petroglyphs. They can be found all over the world, even in the strangest of places. For example, they can be found on cliffs and caves in the Sahara Desert. This is because they are very old and the climate has changed in the tens of thousands of years since they were painted. Some were painted in the ice Age when the Sahara was mild and rainy, not hot and dry as it is today.

It is thought that many of the cave paintings are to do with religion, but they also serve to tell us about these early peoples because many of them show what animals were hunted, and thus what animals existed at that time.

Cave paintings wee made using charcoal from burnt twigs and by crushed coloured rocks mixed with natural sticky resins from trees.

Video: Stone Age cave painting.

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