
What does camouflage mean? Camouflage means to blend in with the surroundings.

A snake with natural camouflage.

Camouflage is used by both prey and predator. It makes prey difficult for predators to see and it also makes predators difficult for prey to see.

Some animals keep the same colours all their lives but others can change their colours to match their surroundings. The lion has sandy brown fur all its life which makes it difficult to see in the brown grass stems as it creeps up on its prey. The chameleon is a type of lizard which can change the colour of its skin to match its surroundings. It remains motionless until a fly comes close then it shoots out a very long sticky tongue to catch it.

Fish have a type of camouflage called countershading. The upper part of the body is dark and the lower part is light. When the fish is viewed from above, the dark top of its body blends in with the pond or river mud and it is hard for a predator to see it. When viewed from below, its light underside blends in with the sky so it is hard for its prey to see it.

Video: Surprising camouflage.

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