Calendar, Aztec

What is the Aztec calendar? An Aztec calendar is a special disc-shaped form of calendar used by the Aztecs.

An Aztec Calendar.

Much of Aztec life, just like the life of other Middle American peoples before them, was controlled by time.

The Aztecs had two calendars: the solar calendar and the religious calendar. Each day was controlled by two gods, each of which had a good and a bad aspect.

They used their calendars to know how to behave and what to do each day.

The time-measuring calendar was used to fix the best time for planting crops and other everyday activities

In the time-measuring calendar, one year had 365 days divided into 18 months. Each month had 20 days, and there were 5 extra days at the end of the year, which were thought to be bad-luck days and when disasters were most likely to happen.

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