The adventures of Alice

What are the Adventures of Alice? The Adventures of Alice is a collection of fantasy stories written by Victorian author Lewis Caroll (Charles Dodgson).

One of the illustrations to the Alice Books.

The Reverend Charles Dodgson wrote two of the most famous fantasy books ever in print under the name of Lewis Caroll.

You will find three resources here:
1. The text of Alice in Wonderland
2. The text of (Alice) Through the Looking Glass
3. A 'jump to topic' link to the Victorians topic in which, under Teacher Support, you can open a comprehension (only) if you have teacher access. This can be used by teachers as a model for other comprehensions which they can construct themselves.

These books will open in a plain window on top of this window. To close them, close the top window (tab).
Alice's adventures in Wonderland
(Alice) Through the Looking Glass
Note: these books are project Gutenberg texts and are public domain and text only. To as books, click the links below.

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